Big Cat Rescue

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Big Cat Rescue in the spotlight for two awards

Big Cat Rescue in the spotlight for two awards

December 18, 11:00 AM New Orleans Pet Rescue Scene Examiner Teresa Rowell

Big Cat Rescue, a refuge for more than 100 exotic animals in Tampa, Florida, is in the running for two awards right now.

Animal Planet will be announcing the winner of the “2009 Hero of the Year” tonight, December 18th, and Big Cat Rescue’s Scott Lope is one of the top ten finalists.

A win could mean a $15,000 animal-related trip to anywhere in the world for Lope and $10,000 for Big Cat Rescue.

Lope told the Tampa Tribune, “It would be an honor to win and it will call attention to our work here.”

Even more good news for the group was the announcement from Chase Community’s Giving contest that voters for Big Cat Rescue have earned them a place in the top 100 best charities across the country.

They were awarded $25,000 and a chance at the one million dollar grand prize.

Over the next few weeks all semi-finalists will submit their “Big Idea” for what they would use the grand prize money for and voters will return to Chase’s Facebook page January 15 to vote again for their favorite.

Photo credit: Bobcat rescued Thanksgiving weekend by Big Cat Rescue. Photo from

More Info: Big Cat Rescue has offered sanctuary for Tony the Tiger, a Bengal that has lived his entire existence in a concrete cage at a truck stop in Grosse Tete, Louisiana. If the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries denies the current owner a permit to keep the tiger, Tampa could be one choice for Tony to live out the rest of his days in dignity rather than being a road side, money-making display.

Former Stories:
How long does Tony the Tiger have to wait?
Follow up on Tony the Tiger


Carole Baskin says:

Scott Won the Animal Planet Hero of the Year Award. He gets at $10,000 prize to donate to the charity of his choice and Big Cat Rescue won $25,000 in the Chase Community Giving round 1 and is qualified now to win $1,000,000 in round 2. See

December 18, 10:59 PM

Tigress62 says:

Big Cat Rescue is an awesome organization that is devoted to the care and well-being of their cats and to educating the public as to why there is such an escalating problem of captive cats. The $25,000 is a well-deserved win. I wish Scott the best of luck in the Animal Planet Hero of the Year Contest. He is dedicated, tireless and a true hero at BCR. I know Tony the Truck Stop Tiger would have a great home at BCR. Tony’s situation is so sad and tragic. I hope the LDW&F will not grant the permit so Tony can live the rest of his life with the care, respect and dignity he so deserves.

December 18, 11:43 AM