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Join Big Cat Rescue to Support FL Panthers in Ft Lauderdale

Join Big Cat Rescue to Support FL Panthers in Ft Lauderdale

Last week (Aug 2015) the FWC posted their revised​ draft FL panther​ position statement. As some of you may recall, in June, Big Cat Rescue joined various national conservation groups in speaking out against the ​original ​draft position statement. Many of you responded to our action alert, contacting the FWC and asking them to not give up on the FL panther. Carole and I attended the meeting in Sarasota to speak up for the panthers (and the bears). We also participated in a media conference with the Sierra Club, The Conservancy of SW Florida, and the HSUS. You may read our response to the FWC's original draft position statement at actions resulted in the FWC taking note of the public's comments and sending the statement back to their staff for revision​. As the Tampa Bay Times put it in their editorial on August 17th, the revised draft position statement is a "win for open government over secrecy" but the policy still has "some weasel language". You may read the full editorial online at lion cub sleepingWe are currently working on our comments in response to the​ revised​ statement and will be sending out another action alert to our Florida supporters.In the meantime, ​PLEASE PLAN ON JOINING me, Howard, and Carole at the upcoming FWC meeting in Ft. Lauderdale on September 2nd​, 2015 at the Hilton Fort Lauderdale Marina. The FWC will be voting on the revised statement as well as finalizing​​ rules for the impending bear hunt.​More information about the meeting including the address, ​start time, agenda, and a ​link to ​the revised draft FL panther position statement​​ may be found online at Leon TigerI've also attached the revised draft FWC Florida Panther position statement.Hope to see some of you in Ft. Lauderdale!Jennifer Leon, MPADirector of Outreach813-393-6066jennifer.leon@bigcatrescue.org12802 Easy Street, Tampa, FL