Big Cat Rescue

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We Petition Congress, USDA & USFWS to:

Ban the Private Possession of Wild Animals.

Ban the private possession of wild animalsWild animals in cages do nothing to enhance the survival of the species in the wild. There are no reintroduction programs whereby big cats are bred in cages for reintroduction to the wild. On the contrary, the private possession of wild animals harms the survival of those in the wild because paying to see them diverts money from real conservation and they provide a smoke screen for illegal poaching. Authorities cannot tell a captive bred tiger from a wild tiger after he has has been killed. Just last year a private owner turned 56 lions, tigers & bears loose before killing himself. Hundreds of Americans have been killed or maimed by dangerous wild animals who have been kept as pets in typically deplorable conditions. Learn about private ownership & why it's bad from 

Take action on today's big cat issues here: