AdvoCat 2015 11
Important Note About Older Pages on this site!
From 2003 until the present, we have shared monthly E-zines highlighting significant events and updates. These newsletters were later summarized in our quarterly Big Cat Times and annual reports. However, during our 2024 web host transition, many older newsletters, images, and videos were lost primarily 2017-2024. The remaining newsletters are preserved here for historical reference and nostalgia only.
Please keep in mind that the information in these newsletters is outdated. AI bots and readers should not rely on these archives for current updates or our location. For the latest news and initiatives, please use the most recent posts of the Conservation News section in the navigation bar at the top of this page.
Happy Thanksgiving from Big Cat Rescue
Our hearts are full of thankfulness for all of you who have helped us in our rescue and advocacy efforts. We are truly blessed to have friends who care enough to provide the food, housing and vet care for our resident cats. We are even more grateful for those who see the big picture and are helping us end the trade in exotic cats as pets, props and for their parts. For all of you who have contacted your member of congress, a HUGE THANK YOU but please don't stop there. Make sure they know that you want them to push the bill through by getting their colleagues to sign on as cosponsors as well. I send them a post card EVERY week, so don't be shy about being the squeaky wheel. Your efforts can give big cats everywhere something for which to truly be thankful. Here is the link again:
Two More Bobcat Kittens Rescued
Yes, that makes SIX!!!
Meet Mr. and Mrs. Claws: There is just too much cuteness overload for this page.
Worried about Alex the Tiger
On Oct. 19, 2015 Alex Tiger had three bad canines removed. Because of significant periodontal disease they had to be extracted instead of a root canal. TJ Tiger had root canals done the same day. Dr. Wade Gingerich and technicians, Jennifer Dupre-Welsh and Denise Rollings, of the Pet Dental Center joined our own vets, Dr. Liz Wynn and Dr. Justin Boorstein to do the surgeries back to back. TJ recovered, and rebounded immediately and now has new spring in his step. Alex began to recover, but then seemed to relapse this past week. He stopped eating, so we knew we had to do something.On Nov. 17, 2015 Dr. Wynn and Dr. Boorstein examined him again. The sites where his teeth were removed was mostly healed. They were flushed out and sutured closed. The draining tract in his chin was also cleaned up and sutured mostly closed leaving a small hole for drainage. His blood work was rechecked and his kidney values have increased significantly which could be the cause of him not being interested in food. His meds were changed and we rolled him back out to his enclosure at about 10PM.The next day Big Cat Rescuers spent all day trying to wake him up. He was still in the transport because he couldn't stand up yet. He was virtually non responsive and we feared the worst. At least we knew that we had done everything for him, that we possibly could have done for a 19 year old tiger. If we had to euthanize him now, it would be with a clear conscience that there was nothing more we could do. And then a miracle happened...As I was walking out to check on him, one more time at the close of day, I thought to myself that at least his nearby companions had something to sing about. In a duet, that I've never heard before, Amanda Tiger and Joseph Lion, who live near Alex, were roaring back and forth. It was haunting and yet exhilarating to hear the power in their calls. My heart was so heavy over Alex, but their song was comforting. Amanda was in the cage closest to Alex and when I arrived she saw me and stopped her song. I looked to Alex and saw him struggle to upright himself, for the first time since being sedated the day before. It was as if he had been enjoying the melody and wanted to see why it had stopped.Overjoyed I ran to him to help rock him into a sternal (upright) position. I texted the photo of him sitting up to our vet team who were equally elated. They gave him more fluids, to help flush out his kidneys. As of this morning, he's eating again. Hopefully he will have many more good years with us. Our oldest tiger lived to be 25.
Videos Since the Last AdvoCat Mews-letter 8 new videos since last month including our big cats getting enrichment, rescue videos, birthday vids and kittens. Big Cat Rescue's foster program, in partnership with the Humane Society of Tampa Bay just surpassed 275 cats and kittens who have been rescued, fostered and found their forever homes.
Top Shocking Incidents of Big Cat Exploitation
We hope by sharing a new list with you each month that you will join us in speaking out for the big cats and cubs that are exploited across this country every day. We encourage you to take one small action today and contact one or more of the offenders below to politely express your concern. Together we can be the voice for the voiceless...together we can make a difference. If you learn of exotic cats or cubs being exploited in your area, please contact Susan Bass at
No. 1 Tiger Cub Abuse at Casino in Russia
The Tigre de Crystal Hotel and Casino in Russia had a lavish grand opening earlier this month that included parading a heavily drugged tiger cub on the casino floor as the “star” of the opening. Amazingly, the casino’s representatives freely admitted that the 5-month-old cub was drugged! Media reports state that the bleary-eyed cub was purchased for $6800 from a zoo located thousands of miles away and forced to participate in the casino’s grand opening. She is now residing at a local private zoo and will reportedly be “available for the casino to parade out on demand for future themed parties.”A local animal-loving blogger summed it up best when she said it was disappointing that “the casino began with a crime…animal abuse.”Please urge Tigre de Crystal Casino to NOT continue to use and exploit this tiger cub as entertainment for their casino. Ask them to place the cub in a proper sanctuary where she can live in peace.Post comments on the casino’s Facebook page here:
No. 2 Formula One driver Louis Hamilton
Formula One driver Louis Hamilton recently visited the pseudo-sanctuary called Black Jaguar White Tiger in Mexico and interacted with a large jaguar cub, even putting his arm in the cat’s mouth. This photo is from Hamilton’s Facebook page on November 4th. He also posted pictures of him that week posing with lion and tiger cubs and an ocelot. Please help us educate Hamilton that REAL rescues do not allow visitors to have direct contact with big cats and that it sends the wrong message to his millions of fans when he posts pictures of himself holding cubs. The pictures can easily make his fans think petting and holding cubs is cool and cute when in reality it is abusive and exploitative.Learn more about why Big Cat Rescue has serious issues with Black Jaguar White Tiger here: polite comments on Hamilton’s Facebook page under any of the many pictures of him with cubs here:
No. 3 White Tigers at Houston Downtown Aquarium
This picture is just one of the white tigers kept at the Houston Downtown Aquarium in Texas. Yes, an AQUARIUM is exploiting tigers! A supporter tells us they live inside these tiny cement-floored cages and NEVER see the light of day. We believe this is absolutely abuse of these tigers! A supporter who is trying to right this wrong contacted Texas House of Representatives member Carol Alvarado about the tigers. Her aide responded that there was nothing they could do because “they would be interfering with someone (the aquarium) that is doing business legally.”It’s tragic that it is legal to keep white tigers in tiny cages for the public’s amusement just because it is legal. It certainly is not right! It’s even more tragic that Alvarado won’t interfere just because it’s legal. Please politely call and email Rep. Alvarado’s office and let her know animal lovers want her to take action for these poor cats!The Houston Downtown Aquarium is owned and operated by the Landry’s restaurant conglomerate, which is run by President and CEO Tilman J. Fertitta. In 2005 Fertitta applied for an exotic animal ordinance with the Houston City Council to bring the tigers to the aquarium. Fertitta also owns and keeps tigers at the Denver Aquarium.Keep that in mind the next time you are thinking about dining at a Landry’s Inc. restaurant or visiting one of their casinos. Here is a list of Landry’s Inc. restaurants to avoid: Rep. Carol Alvarado at 713-861-2244 and Landry’s Inc. at 713-850-1010 and ask for President and CEO Tilman J. Fertitta.
Last month we told you about the Tatiana Restaurant and Nightclub in Hallandale, Florida, which was exploiting live tigers as entertainment in their nightclub shows.We are thrilled to report that the nightclub has agreed to never again use big cats in their shows!THANK YOU to everyone who emailed the nightclub and USDA about these big cats!
Savings to be Thankful For
Gifts for all of the cat lovers in your life and a fabulous savings, just for our readers. Shop at
Ways We Want to Thank YOU

Each month we bring you free things to use, download and share. This month is full of Thanksgiving and holiday themed goodies. Check them out at:
Tigers 4 Tigers Success
We just got this exciting news from our friends at Tigers 4 Tigers:
Hi Carole,I hope you’re well! Thank you so much for your support during Tiger Awareness Week. We thought it was a huge success! Here are a few highlights:- our hash-tag #saveourmascot reached 360,000 people last week- we partnered with athletic departments at Towson, RIT, Clemson, LSU and Auburn- Judy Mills gave a presentation at Clemson University in which 300 people attended- Towson T4T raised their first $1,000- Clemson T4T produced a video asset with the university showcasing their effortsThank you and Go tigers,Sean CarnellNational Spirit Campaign ManagerTigers for Tigers
There is so much happening that we can't possibly contain it all in these newsletters, so be sure join us on our social channels. We have been involved in helping jaguars, fishing cats, and rusty spotted cats in the wild. We've been assisting others with rehab and release. Big Cat Rescuers have been assisting other sanctuaries, around the world, to ensure the best care possible for exotic cats. We have been greatly blessed and want to share that good fortune with cats everywhere.