Is Big Cat Rescue Having Their Cats Skinned?

Is Big Cat Rescue Skinning Cats?

One of the most outlandish lies that people who pimp out tiger cubs like to spread is that we skin our cats as room decorations.As our cats have died over the years, I have preserved the skulls and pelts because one day I dreamed to build a museum dedicated to the history of exploitation of big cats. I saw our local Holocaust Museum and was so impressed with the way that the artifacts and photos told a story of where we had been so that we never go there again.I do not wish to focus on the negative aspects, but rather illustrate the positive change in attitudes, using the past only as a reference point. My desire is that people will be so moved by how quickly an entire planet changed its attitudes toward animal sentience that we will all see how powerful our thoughts are and how much more good there is that we can do.We found a taxidermist named Bo Reed in Bushnell, Florida who was a master at his craft.  He often commented that it was clear we had done everything necessary to preserve the lives of our cats as they were the only ones that came to him with shaved spots from where IV fluids or surgery was done.  He told me that we were the only place he knew of that was using the pelts for an educational purpose, as his other clients were using theirs as bragging rights for having killed an animal or were selling them.  He told USDA the same thing when the animal abusers tried to convince USDA that we were doing something wrong.What is even more crazy is the person who spends the most time trying to discredit Big Cat Rescue by making false allegations about us skinning cats has a tiger skin rug tacked to his bedroom wall as a decoration.  If you have been contacted by someone who believes the nonsense that the animal abusers spread about us, please send them to this page and to questions?  Please read the pages listed first and watch the video entirely, but if you still have questions contact Cat @


American Humane

