Narla Cougar has cataracts
Female Cougar
Born 1/1/97 - Died 2/3/16
Rescued 1/8/2010
Rescue of Narla the Cougar:

Narla Cougar being transported
This is a letter from someone who knew the Loppi's. This person below, wanted us to know that Rob was well intended and I post it here as an example of how even the best intentions usually end up bad for the exotic animal.
According to a number of emails I got after the fact, Rob's wife was looking to euthanize the cat, but Rob's friends, family and the media were on her case and she couldn't do it without looking like a monster when we were standing by, ready to take her. It is only because of supporters, like you, that we can help cats like Narla in their greatest moment of need.
Eye Specialist Sees Narla Cougar
Narla has been pretty much blind since she arrived, but Dr. Miller came out to check on her eyes again today.
Dr. Liz Wynn has many friends in the veterinary community and calls in specialists when it is warranted.
Previous exams have shown Narla Cougar to have eye ulcerations that have been treated with eye drops.
This exam reveals that the back side of her eyes are degenerating and Dr. Miller suspects it was from her first 14 years of insufficient nutrition before coming to Big Cat Rescue.
When big cats are pulled from their mothers to be hand reared as pets, like Narla had been, they never get a sufficient diet on kitten or puppy milk replacer. This causes a life time of debilitation.
More from Narla's Rescue:
Dear Big Cat Rescue:
I am very happy that you are giving Narla a new home. Since her owner, Rob Loppi's, death last May, I can't tell you how many people worried and wondered what would become of Narla. My reason for writing to you is not just to thank you for taking care of Narla, but because I wanted to give you some background information. I feel it is important for you to know how Narla came to Rhode Island in the first place. Since the story of Narla's rescue broke, I have read and heard many negative comments about Rob Loppi having this animal in the first place. There have been many comments in the newspapers that are just not accurate. Since Rob is no longer with us, and can't defend himself, I would like the real story known. He didn't just wake up one morning and decide on a whim that it would be great to have a cougar. I was there, and would like the true story to be told.
Rob got Narla when she was a baby, not 5 months old as was inaccurately reported. She was no bigger than a puppy, still had her baby fuzz and spots and was still being bottle fed. She was obtained by a person that Rob knew casually. This friend purchased her from a breeder in Virginia, thinking that it would be cool to have a mountain lion as a pet. When he got her home, his fiancé, correctly, would not allow him to keep her, so he brought her to Rob. People were always bringing unwanted animals to Rob...cats, dogs, goats, pigs...whatever.
Initially, Rob did not want to take her, but he was afraid that if he refused she would end up in a bad situation. Rob took her in and set about trying to find her a home. Since she was an illegal exotic at that point, this was not an easy task. He contacted the Dept. of Environmental Management in RI anonymously and was informed that they would confiscate the cat and most likely she would be destroyed - unbelievable, but true. They said that it was not their policy to find homes for dangerous animals, just to protect the environment and maintain public safety. He then contacted Roger Williams Zoo and asked them to take her - they refused because a). they do not take animals from private parties, only other zoos, and b). she came from a breeder and was bottle fed. They said that other cats would not take to her and would possibly harm or kill her. After many more such get the picture. No one would help. You should also keep in mind that this time period was before the internet was a household item, so trying to get information was much more difficult.
Feeling like he had no other options, he contacted the breeder in Virginia and asked to bring her back. He drove her to Virginia and was appalled at the conditions. Virginia's laws on exotics are (or, at that time, were) very lenient and this guy would obviously sell to anyone as long as the price was right. He just couldn't leave her there. He knew that she would be re-sold and probably end up in a traveling carnival or roadside "zoo" with her teeth filed down, being whipped into submission, living in deplorable conditions and spending most of her life in a crate. He knew that he could do better by her, so he made the decision that he would have to keep her to make sure that she was cared for and safe. Unfortunately, this would mean having her declawed for safety. This wasn't something he wanted to do, but he did it in an effort to try to maintain her.
He then set about getting Narla legal. Since he already knew DEM's position, he went to the Federal level. USDA told him what he needed to do in order to get a license to keep an exotic (again, at that time, their rules were much less stringent). He built the double cage (making it bigger and stronger than the required size and pipe diameter) with natural materials and different levels and perches for climbing, set up an account with a chicken farm so he could feed her properly, contacted a veterinarian who had the qualifications to provide medical care for Narla and set about learning everything he needed to know about the care and husbandry of mountain lions. USDA inspected and found him to be a suitable owner and he was granted a license. Once he had the USDA license in hand, DEM could not confiscate and destroy her, so he was then able to begin application for a RI license. He hired an attorney and, after getting through all the paperwork and red tape, he received the license. RI DEM inspected regularly, including random and surprise visits, always finding Narla in good care and condition.
Rob NEVER tried to domesticate Narla. He was very well aware that she was a wild animal. While he did have an amazing connection with her, she was always treated as a mountain lion, not as a house cat, which has been implied in the media. Narla has been characterized as "gentle and affectionate" and she was...with Rob. This, as you know, is the case with big cats…they bond to one person and can be jealous and aggressive with others. Visitors and friends were not allowed to just hang out in the living room with her. She didn't just wander freely around the house or yard. Even Rob's closest friends were not allowed direct contact. This wasn't Siegfried and Roy. She is a predator and certainly capable of attacking and killing. He knew that, and safety was always the first priority, not just our safety, but Narla's too. People can be foolish and cruel, which is why Rob didn't want the general public to know about her. That was another reason for the double cage, not just to keep Narla in, but to keep people out. There was only one other person, Rob's friend Mike, who was allowed to care for Narla and did so during Rob's illness. Mike was trained in Narla's care and feeding and did a great job. Rob was so grateful to Mike. With all he was going through, many rounds of chemotherapy treatments, numerous infections and finally a bone marrow transplant, at least he knew Narla was in good hands.
Rob didn't use Narla as a gimmick or sideshow attraction. Sure, people knew about her and would be curious to see her, but he never profited from her. He allowed "ordinary" people to come to see her in her cage, but never allowed media attention. He wouldn't give interviews, allow media photos or any exploitation of her in any way. He didn't want to glorify having a big cat in his yard. He didn't want people to think that it is ok to try to keep a mountain lion as a pet. Rob knew that keeping her was not an ideal situation, but at that time, he felt he was doing what was best for her. When he made the decision to keep Narla, he took on a huge financial, supplements, veterinary care, etc. and he could have very easily used this beautiful animal as a way to make money, but that was never his way. He just wanted to give her the best life he could and keep her safe.
So, now you know Narla's story. I felt that it was important for you to know that, while she may have been raised in someone's backyard, she wasn't just a passing fancy, she wasn't a “pet“ in the conventional sense of the word. She was a lifelong responsibility taken on by a guy who made a hard decision based on limited options. Had she not been born to a breeder in Virginia who sells these animals to anyone with enough money to buy them, without any thought or concern for where they will live or how they will be treated, she would not have been in Rhode Island. If Rob hadn't "rescued" her first, Big Cat Rescue may have found Narla in a horrible situation, if she had survived at all.
Thank you again for all that you do for these animals and, especially for Narla. She is always loved and surely missed.
Julie A. Aldrich
Tributes to Narla
Afton Tasler said: It has been a year since her passing, and I am finally able to suck it up and write on here. Mourning and grieving her passing is something I still strongly struggle with. I feel we are put on this Earth with missing pieces to our heart and soul, and we spend a lifetime looking for those missing pieces. I found one of those missing pieces the day a met sweet Narla. I don't know what is was that attracted her to me, but she loved me the moment that we saw each other for the first time. I was a new red shirt cleaner, and she lived next to Natasha and Willow. I couldn't even walk up to her enclosure for a visit, but she always knew when I was there or nearby. Her precious chirp sounded like she was saying "hi". I cannot tell you how many conversations we had where all we said was hi back and forth. I know deep down inside that we were meant to find each other and be a part of each others life. I would never tell her good-bye, but it was always see you later. I loved her so much, and she was my best friend! She was always partially blind, but her vision gradually got worse as well as her hearing. She still knew when I was there as see would put her nose in the air and smell my presence. Her health started to decline, and I mostly became her primary care giver. She would not come out of the den or really eat for anyone but me. I have always been HER human! I did everything I could to keep her comfortable during the last few months of her life. I then knew I had to find a way to finally have to tell her good-bye for the first time. It was so hard preparing for that moment, but she really helped me accept it. We were so connected that one of her last days, she let me know she was ready to go and that it was time. It somewhat eased my mind. I was so honored to have the ability to be there and hold her paws as she crossed over to the other side. I will always hold that piece of my heart and soul she gave me until we can be together again.
Sharon Dower Feb 5, 2016 said: Sweetest Girl. Loved by all and will be missed greatly by all. I loved playing "Hide & Seek" with you. Now you are free to run, pounce, see and hear again.