Pampas Cat Facts

Pampas Cat Facts

Pampas cat wading in water

Common: Pampas Cat

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata (Vertebrata)

Class: Mammalia

Order: Carnivora

Family: Felidae

Genus: Felinae  (Oncifelis)

Species: colocolo

Photo by:  Francisco Erize

Misc. The taxonomic evaluation of 96 museum specimens has lead to the conclusion that given the geographic differences of this cat, the "Pampas Cat" may actually be 3 distinct species: Lynchailurus pajeros (high Andes from Equador to Patagonia and throughout Argentina), L. braccatus (Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay), and L. colocolo (Chile). Molecular analysis is planned for these specimens to prove this theory.

Size and Appearance: Its appearance is different from the other South American cats and resembles more the European Wild Cat with its broad face and pointed ears. It appearance also varies in different parts of its range. In the high Andes its gray-colored with reddish stripes broken up into spots and resembles the Andes Mountain Cat. In Argentina, the coat is longer, more of a yellow-brown color with a muted pattern. In Brazil, a young male was a rusty color with dark, irregular black stripes over its entire body when it was immature, but by the time it was older the stripes were only visible on the limbs and under parts. It has longer hair on its back forming a "dorsal mane". Their ears are grey, but in the northern animals they also have a white central spot. They weigh from 6-15 lbs., stand 12-14 inches high and are 32-42 inches long.

In captivity, Pampas Cats have lived 16 years, but the average is 9.


Habitat: Primarily open grasslands and humid forests.

Distribution: Patagonia, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Equador and Brazil.

Reproduction and Offspring: After a gestation of 80-85 days they produce a litter of 1-3 young. They reach maturity at around 21 months in captivity. They are also believed to have a set breeding period of April to July in captivity.

Social System and Communication: Unknown. No studies have ever been done on this cat in the wild.

Hunting and Diet: It has been observed preying mainly on small mammals such as guinea pigs, and on ground dwelling birds such as penguins and chicken. They are also believed to be terrestrial and mostly nocturnal.

Pampas cat image

Principal Threats: Habitat destruction throughout their range remains to be their primary threat, as well as the reduction of its prey base. Trade of their pelts ceased in 1987

Status: IUCN: Indeterminate. CITES: Appendix I.

Photo By:  Anthony Bannister

Felid TAG 2000 recommendation: Pampas cat (Oncifelis colocolo). Pampas cats have seldom been imported for any purpose, their appearance being less striking than that of the Geoffroy's cat. Not endangered in nature, the pampas cat now numbers less than one half dozen in zoos. This species is not recommended for support in North America.

How rare is this cat ? The International Species Information Service lists in captivity 4 worldwide, with 3 being in the U.S. 

Information taken from the natural History of Wild Cats, and With Permission from IUCN Wild Cats.

See Conservation Work Funded By Big Cat Rescue here:

2023 Saving Pampas Cats

In Chile the Pampas cat is known as the Colocolo, which comes from its Latin name. The Colocolo Project has a number of elements. One is studying the cat with camera traps and fecal analysis to learn what habitats and prey it prefers and how many there are to help preserve them. Another is mitigation of conflict between the cats and small-scale poultry farmers to avoid revenge killing driven by the cats taking their chickens. This is done by helping build predator proof chicken coops and giving replacement hens to farmers who suffer losses. Third, the Project includes broad efforts with volunteers and volunteer veterinarians to vaccinate and worm dogs and cats to keep them from spreading disease to the wild animal population. Learn more here:

All conservation insitu work:


Iberian Lynx Facts


2004 Endangered Species Cat List