Pay For Reviews? Another lie by the animal exploiters.
"Big Cat Rescue pays for Good Reviews"
Well, at least that's what animal abusers say about us.
Then they post this screenshot (on left) from 2010:It is baffling that the bad guys keep posting a page that we posted in June 2010 and has been gone since about 2013. Our site is more than 10,000 pages and this was just a news post, so we never even thought about it again until the exploiters started posting old screen shots of it in 2013. That's when we took it down, since it didn't serve any purpose since 2010.Big cat breeders and exploiters use a screen shot from the WayBack Machine to back up their ridiculous claims that we pay for good reviews. Anyone who can read can see that isn't what we were suggesting at all. What we did was a short lived experiment to see if we could encourage people to take the time to add comments to articles about big cats in captivity, NOT give reviews of BCR. And yet, year after year, the exploiters who feel threatened by our efforts to expose them keep posting it as their "proof" that we pay for reviews, something we have never, ever done and would not do. Maybe they are just counting on the fact that the people they have duped into into being fans don't care about the facts, or that they are viewing the screen shot on mobile phones and can't read the small text.The experiment quickly proved not useful or necessary. Only one person ever submitted a bill for $11.00 for her work done from June 17, 2010 to September 26, 2010, and then decided she'd just comment on our behalf for free. No one else ever asked to be paid for their time.To see the original page yourself you can go to the WayBack Machine yourself and type in the old URL from that page: you can see the page more clearly and see that the bad guys didn't start taking screen shots of it until 2013, three years after the idea had fizzled.It also doesn't matter to them that we have responded, back in 2013, that only one person, submitted a bill for $11.00 for her work, and then decided she'd just comment on our behalf for free. And she was not paid for reviews, she was paid for taking the time to comment on articles about big cats. The people who say we pay for good reviews don't care about the truth and use this old 2010 screen shot offering to pay for people taking time to comment on articles and falsely claim that today we pay for reviews.Here is the screen capture of the spreadsheet I set up for that one person and you can see that it started on June 17, 2010 and ended on September 26, 2010. You can see from the text of the page above and the links from the spreadsheet below that Big Cat Rescue never asked anyone to write a good review about us in exchange for compensation.
What we were trying to do was to educate the media about why it is always abusive for people to pay to see or handle big cat cubs. As it turned out, people didn't want to be paid to do the right thing. They did it for free and it began to change the way people thought about using cubs as pay to play props.
The people showing you the screen shot above and saying that Big Cat Rescue pays for good reviews are lying to you and using you to try and silence us.
They seem to have gotten enough of their duped followers to file false reports about Big Cat Rescue with Instagram that Instagram temporarily shut down our page for a few days until we could reach Instagram to explain who was generating the false complaints and why.
Those same followers posted hundreds of false, one star reviews, in a three day period, on our own Facebook page and Google Plus page and probably everywhere else they could think of. The hatefulness of people who follow these cub exploiters just leaves me feeling like there is no hope of saving wild cats from extinction because it is the private possession these very tiger mills promote that provides a legal smokescreen for illegal poaching.
The bottom line is, people like
and others like them, hate that the conversation has changed and that people have learned the truth about the
cruelty inherent in breeding wild cats for life in cages
Please share this page with any of your friends who have been misled by animal abusers.
Below is the exact text, copied from the WayBack Machine since the page is no longer on our site:
You will note that the bad guys don't want you to see the entire page.
Ad Copy Help Wanted
Earn up to $5.00 US for posting a comment on a big cat news story!We will pay $2.00 per post, as evidenced by a screen shot of your good post on news and popular blog sites when the topic of exotic cats are discussed.If you care about lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, jaguars and other big cats then we need you to speak up for them. Almost every day there is a story posted in an online newsletter or blog about exotic cats. Most of these have comment sections, but you have to sign up for an account, wait for the vendor to send you log in information and then you can post your comment. We at Big Cat Rescue try to comment on every story out there, but are far too busy to keep up with them all.These comment sections are often read with more enthusiasm and often are more informative than the actual article because reporters often don’t do their homework. This is a great opportunity to explain for people, who cared enough to read the article, about why big cats should not be kept as pets, used as props, jailed in zoos and other abuses.Our website can give you all of the details you need to post accurate, pertinent information that tells people why it is so bad to breed ligers and white tigers and why we should be protecting these animals in the wild and not farming them for their parts or breeding them for lives of confinement and deprivation.If you have excellent English grammar skills, can make a short but good statement about why big cats should be protected in the wild and not bred and used in captivity then we will pay you $2.00 for each successful post that you send us a screenshot, URL and the log in info for if you also tell people they can find out more on the subject at Big Cat Rescue.We will pay a bonus of $1.00 if you can work in a link to Big Cat Rescue dot org, since most vendors will not allow an actual link and some vendors will even refuse this sort of suggested link. We will pay an extra $2.00 if you create a profile at the news vendor WITH a link to in your profile. If possible your user name should be BigCatRescue or BigCatRescuer but if these are already taken, you can use your own alias.
How to Start Today!

To find stories that have already been written and begin posting right away go to the original links for each of the stories posted on our blog at: of the stats you will need are updated daily here: is an example of how to collect your fees. Send a screenshot of the article text like this:And send a screenshot of the submitted, approved post like this:Send the URL and make sure it appears at the top of your screen shot like the sample above. Jing is a free product to capture such screen shots on PCs or Macs.If you also set up a profile with a link back to Big Cat Rescue that is actually a clickable link, then send a screen shot of that as well and the user name and password that you set up to post this comment as these profiles will become the property of Big Cat Rescue so that we can access the news vendor on other stories about exotic wild cats when they occur if you are no longer helping us keep these current.
Only post facts from our website that support our mission of caring for cats and ending the trade.We will not pay for the posting of inaccurate information so be sure that you understand our philosophy, which is that wild animals should not be bred for life in cages and should not be used for their parts, for entertainment, for ego boosting, or for anything other than to educate the public about why they should be protected in the wild and not kept in cages.Do not engage in name calling, or behavior that would diminish your credibility.Only one comment per story per profile.We must be able to verify your posts by visiting the links and seeing that your posts have been kept live and not deleted for any abuse of the vendor’s posting policies.Your submission for payment should be well organized, with the images labeled in such a way as to be able to group them into each news vendor if you have more than one screenshot to prove the posting and the profile page as well as the story it was posted to, so that we know our comments are being posted on pages that are discussing wild or exotic cats.Contact MakeADifference at with your screenshots so that you can be paid via PayPal.