2023 Conservation Projects funded by Big Cat Rescue

How many species of wild cats can you name?  4? 14? 34? If your answer wasn’t 41 then this article explains why Big Cat Rescue primarily supports conservation efforts of the less known, smaller, exotic cat species.   To see the cumulative amounts for each project check the pins on the maps for more details. See a complete list of exotic cat species. See our previous InSitu Conservation Work at the links at the bottom of this page.

Tiger Solar Powered Wells for Watering Holes

FUNDS FROM INTL TIGER DAY. Working with the Corbett Foundation to save tigers from thirst. One of the biggest threats to tigers is conflict with humans who live in areas neighboring the tiger territory. In this region, climate change has resulted in more erratic monsoons. This has affected the natural rivers and streams. In the dry season, they dry up more quickly than they used to. Thirst causes the tigers to enter the more populated areas they would normally avoid in search of water. This creates a danger to the people and killing of tigers. Corbett Foundation has a very clever solution: solar powered pumps connected to “bore-wells” to create watering holes for the animals. The wells are made by using a machine to drive pipe 100 to 300 feet into the ground to reach the water level. An array of six 3’ x 6’ solar panels is installed to operate the pump. A chain link fence is erected around the solar array to protect it. The Forest Department constructs the pool that holds the water. The well, pump, solar panels, and the labor to install these costs $4800 for each well.

Saving Southern Tiger Cats in Brazil

Working with our partners SWCCF and Vinicius de Morais our objectives were: (1) vaccinate domestic dogs and cats with access to protected area to reduce the chances of disease transmission to wildlife. (2) neuter domestic dogs and cats to reduce population size and eliminate the abandonment of domestic animals. (3) install signs on roads to warn of the risk of running over wild animals. (4) converting poorly made chicken coops into enclosures against wild predation. (5) identify and segregate contaminated domestic dogs and cats to slow the spread of disease.

Saving Rusty Spotted Cats by Working With Stakeholders

Working with our partners at SWCCF and Roshan Babu Adhikari our objectives were: (1) To conduct the participatory workshops with local stakeholders (communities, park/forest authorities, road departments, traffic police offices); (2) To install road sign-posts in highway and accessories road network in project site; (3) To build predator-proof chicken houses for the local farmers.

Saving the Oncilla AKA the Northern Tiger Cat

Working with our partners at SWCCF and José Daniel Ramírez-Fernández our objectives were: 1. Understand and assess the situation and the threat posed by free-ranging dogs and cats to small wild cats in communities around the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve. 2. Implement vaccination of dogs and cats to reduce wildlife disease transmission potential in the region. 3. Implement a communication campaign on small wild cat conservation and the results obtained, and to promote responsible pet ownership among neighbours of the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve.

Saving Margay and Jaguarundi From Thirst

Partnering with the SWCCF and Marvin Recinos in El Salvador our objectives were: (1) We prioritized the strategic installation of 25 water troughs to protect the Margay and Jaguarundi in San Pedro Nonualco, ensuring a constant supply of water and significantly reducing the deaths from collisions and other risks faced by these two species and their prey during dry seasons. (2) We remain committed to restoring the habitats of these species, including restoring degraded forests and mitigating human threats. (3) It is essential to maintain education and awareness campaigns in the local communities that share their environment with these species. These actions are key to promoting harmony between humans and wildlife, ensuring the survival and conservation of both the Margay and the Jaguarundi.

Saving Clouded Leopards from Fire & Human Conflicts

9/15/2023 This project initiates Clouded leopard conservation in the adjacent forests of Kathmandu valley. Goals are: 1. To sensitize at least 5000 visitors/tourists of national park and surrounding forests on the importance of clouded leopard and its habitat through hoarding boards (billboards) and pamphlets. 2. Conduct conservation coaching classes in the schools, local organizations, community forest user groups and army personnel on the threat mitigation strategies of clouded leopard. 3. Establish forest fire control mechanism (awareness, forest fire control tools distribution and fire line construction) in the forested habitat of clouded leopard.

Saving Asiatic Golden Cats in Tinjure-Milke-Jaljale Nepal

9/15/2023 This project is to install 20 suitable predator proof goat corrals, to support the establishment of 25 greenhouses to reduce poaching, to train communities in fire fighting and to reach out to children for conservation awareness. The goat corrals avoid the "revenge killings" of the cats that occur when cats prey on livestock. The greenhouses provide alternative sources of income to local residents in return for commitments not to poach cats for income. Forest fire is one of the biggest threats for this species and other wildlife and their habitat in this Tinjure-Milke-Jaljale Area.

Saving the Guigna in San Vicente de Tagua Tagua

9/15/2023 Project goal is saving the smallest cat of South America the Güiña from drought in central Chile (San Vicente de Tagua Tagua). Objectives are: 1. Install camera traps for monitoring the paths that the Güiña uses frequently and choose the best spots to place the water. 2. Install water drinkers in areas where the target species is a frequent visitor. 3. Design and print educational material of free distribution for the local community to learn about the importance of our wildlife. Most of the funds would be spent on camera trapping costs. The drinkers are supplied from a hose that is connected to a cistern filled by a stream 1/4 mile up the mountain. Several drinkers are filled from the same catchment. The drinkers hold water without overflowing but refill when the water level drops from the cats drinking it. Having these drinkers strategically located significantly reduces roadkill because the cats do not need to cross roads to find water. Click Guigna San Vicente Chile on the map to see the video.

Saving Guigna Using Dog / Human Sounds

9/15/2023 One of the biggest challenges to wild cats is conflict with resident human populations, particularly when the cats prey on livestock. This project aims to test a device which plays dog and human sounds as an auditory repellent to deter guigna from approaching backyard poultry. Specifically, each auditory device connected to a trail camera in video mode will be placed in a sampling station with available food. Guignas approaching the station will be faced with human, dog and control sounds and their behavior will be recorded during 30 seconds. In order to understand if specific sounds increase risk perception of guignas, the researchers will measure the following behaviors: visitation rate, flight response (goes away), time spent on vigilance and foraging while recorded at the station. They will analyze changes in the risk perception of guignas comparing the different sounds. If proven successful, this method will be a new low-cost effective non-lethal technique to reduce human-carnivore conflicts, applied specifically for guigna conservation.

Saving Clouded Leopards in Nepal - Ganga Ram Regmi

8/15/2023 This multi-faceted project focuses on reducing threats to clouded leopards of retaliatory killings and poaching in Nepal. Part of the program focuses on educating school children to appreciate the majesty and importance of preserving the cats. This has the double impact of creating a supportive future generation while at the same time bringing this message home to their parents. A second part of the program involves funding the construction of predator proof corrals to prevent predation of the goats that local farmers depend on. Preventing predation removes the incentive for retaliatory killing of the cats. The third part of the program involves funding alternative sources of income in return for local support for preserving the cats. These include bee keeping, medicinal plant farming, and year round growing of organic vegetables in greenhouses both for consumption and to sell for income.

And separately in the Kathmandu Valley: Working with SWCCR and Dikpal Krishna Karmacharya under Clouded Leopard Working Group, for our second year, this project initiates Clouded leopard conservation in the adjacent forests of Kathmandu valley. Goals are: 1. To sensitize at least 5000 visitors/tourists of national park and surrounding forests on the importance of clouded leopard and its habitat through hoarding boards (billboards) and pamphlets. 2. Conduct conservation coaching classes in the schools, local organizations, community forest user groups and army personnel on the threat mitigation strategies of clouded leopard. 3. Establish forest fire control mechanism (awareness, forest fire control tools distribution and fire line construction) in the forested habitat of clouded leopard.

Saving Jungle Cats and Leopard Cats in Nepal

8/4/2023 This project aims to reduce the threats to Jungle Cats and Leopard Cats in central (Dhanushadham) and eastern (Mahamahi) Nepal. The main activities of this project include camera trapping, road signage, hoarding board installations, school education programs, and community awareness in the new sites. This project is supervised by Rama Mishra, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Antwerp, Belgium

Saving Pampas Cats in Chile

8/2/2023 In Chile the Pampas cat is known as the Colocolo, which comes from its Latin name. The Colocolo Project has a number of elements. One is studying the cat with camera traps and fecal analysis to learn what habitats and prey it prefers and how many there are to help preserve them. Another is mitigation of conflict between the cats and small-scale poultry farmers to avoid revenge killing driven by the cats taking their chickens. This is done by helping build predator proof chicken coops and giving replacement hens to farmers who suffer losses. Third, the Project includes broad efforts with volunteers and volunteer veterinarians to vaccinate and worm dogs and cats to keep them from spreading disease to the wild animal population.

Saving Pallas Cats in Mongolia

7/2/2023 Jamie and Victor checked on the work we are funding at the Steppe Wildlife Conservation and Research Center in Mongolia. Find out more: bigcatrescue.org/protect-pallas-cats/ Contribution to Steppe organization for tourism visit to observe and review their work for possible future funding and provide general support for their Pallas Cat preservation work. When Pallas cat young become old enough, the mothers abandon the rock crevice dens, leaving them to their young, and seek new dens. Scarcity of natural rock formation dens means the mothers must travel distances on open ground where they are exposed to predators before the reach the next area that has suitable rock formations. This donation funds using existing loose rocks to create mounds that are suitable for dens at the perimeter of existing territory, expanding the area that is suitable for the cats without them having to cross the open areas. The key to preserving the Pallas Cat population in the Eastern Steppe of Mongolia is working with the local population to limit the grazing in the cats’ territory. Overgrazing by sheep and goats is a huge problem there. The overgrazing strips the land of all foliage turning once fertile land into dusty desert. Otgonbayar Baatargal (aka Augie) founded Steppe Wildlife Conservation & Research Center in 2018. He and his wife Buyandelger (aka Buena) operate a tourist camp where visitors see numerous species including Pallas Cats, who are the easiest to view of all of the wild cats because they are not afraid of people. Augie then uses the proceeds from the tourist activity to invest in the community. This creates an incentive for the local population to support the survival of the cats. The cats use natural formations of piles of rocks as den sites to provide protection from predators like eagles and foxes. In most cat species, the young leave the mother's care when ready and venture off into new territory. Here the opposite happens. When the young are ready to fend for themselves, Pallas Cat mothers leave the den to the offspring. To find a new den, the mothers may have to travel long distances over open land exposed to predators. Big Cat Rescue has made a grant of $5000 to Steppe Wildlife that Augie and Buena will use to hire area residents to use locally available rocks from one area to build more den sites in the area where they are needed in and near the current Pallas Cat territory. This provides one more benefit to local residents in the form of employment and gives them a personal role in the preservation of the cats. At the same time, it will reduce the number of travelling mothers killed by predators and expand the area in which the Pallas Cats can safely exist.

Saving Bobcats

6/4/2023 Michael Levin PhD student at Columbia University overseen by Laurel Serieys, who works with Panthera's small cat team are collaring bobcats to learn more about the threats they face and ways to mitigate those threats. Domestic donation for GPS collars for bobcats in the United States. The project centers around the relationship between animal movement and renewable energy development, for solar energy in particular. Solar energy installations require the wholesale conversion of a piece of land to industrial energy production, and are likely to expand dramatically in size and number across the continental U.S. We want to look at bobcat movement in these landscapes because they are an excellent indicator species for movement--if they can move within and around solar facilities, we think that most other terrestrial mammals can as well. We'll put GPS collars on ten individuals in North Carolina this coming fall, get a sense of how they interact with and are affected by the solar landscape configuration there, then model how intensifying solar development might further alter their future movement patterns and behavior. Donation made in honor of long time volunteer and board member, MaryLou Geis.

Saving Marbled Cats

7/19/2023 We just got this update from the field on conservation work to save the Marbled Cat that you helped us fund if you are a donor to Big Cat Rescue. We were able to send $9000.00 in 2022 and $6000.00 in 2023. See more about it at: bigcatrescue.org/marbled-cat-conservation/ This is a continuation of a project funded 12/22. Marbled Cats and Clouded Leopards are classified as Near Threatened and Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List. Threats include hunting, snaring, poaching, habitat loss since it prefers very thick rainforests, and human conflict due to livestock predation. The study area of this project is Northeast India. Main objectives are building more predation resistant chicken coops and education and training programs. The latter includes education on the conservation status of the two species, training the local youth about the conservation of small cats and making them as native field guides, and training the forest department frontline staff on camera trapping to help in assessing the distribution of these cat species.

Saving the Cheetah From Extinction

6/6/2023 With the help of Big Cat Rescue donors, India has embarked on an ambitious Cheetah Reintroduction Project! India’s Honorable Prime Minister released a total of eight cheetahs Acinonyx jubatus, sourced from Namibia, in Kuno National Park (KNP) in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. This first-of-its-kind inter-continental reintroduction of a large cat is indeed a matter of great pride for India and Big Cat Rescue. The cheetahs will be in the Kuno forest completely in the wild, the way it should be.  Read more at:  Cheetah-Reintroduction Program

Saving the Andean Mountain Cat

Read this 6/2/2023 update on work funded by Big Cat Rescue to save the Andean Mountain Cats at bigcatrescue.org/andean-mountain-cat-facts/

Big Cat Rescue acknowledges our amazing volunteers each month by making a SAVE Award to a conservation project in their name, in addition to all of the other exotic cat conservation projects we fund.  SAVE stands for Scratch’s Award of Volunteer Excellence, in memory of a beloved 30 year old cougar named Scratch.

See More InSitu Work Funded by Big Cat Rescue

See the current year of InSitu work here:  https://bigcatrescue.org/insitu/

See InSitu work from 2024 here:  https://bigcatrescue.org/insitu2024/

See InSitu work from 2023 here:  https://bigcatrescue.org/insitu2023/

See InSitu work from 2022 here:  https://bigcatrescue.org/insitu2022/

See InSitu work from 2021 here:  https://bigcatrescue.org/insitu2021/

See InSitu work from 2020 here:  https://bigcatrescue.org/insitu2020/

See InSitu work from 2019 here:  https://bigcatrescue.org/insitu2019/

See InSitu work from 2018 here:  https://bigcatrescue.org/insitu2018/

See InSitu work from 2017 here:  https://bigcatrescue.org/insitu2017/

See InSitu work from 2016 and before here:  https://bigcatrescue.org/insitu2016/


Big Cat Coalition


Malaya Bobcat